About the author

Abigail Kay Harris

Abigail Kay Harris is a daughter of the King, a sister to seven, with a homeschooling-real-estate-agent-and-do-it-all Momma, who taught her to do anything. Abigail's passionate love of the written word leads her to spend her time reading, writing, she's commonly found to be using sarcasm, and defining obscure words. When she’s not searching for words to fill a blank page, she enjoys going on walks, having tea, watching sunrises, learning new things, and spending her time in the outdoors, especially mountains, beaches, and forests.<br><br>In February of 2023, Abigail founded Beyond the Bookery; her small press, book store, and online boutique. She has assisted more than twenty authors in reaching their publishing dreams with her publishing lines, has shared five anthologies with the world, and looks forward to more releases in the near future.<br><br>You can connect with Abigail and find her books here: https://linktr.ee/abigailkayharris