About the author

Tenaya MKD

Tenaya MKD is a lifelong book addict&nbsp;and lover of fantasy, sci-fi, and superheroes. <br> She has written since the age of one when she sat on her journalist mom's lap to help her type up her stories, but it took the infamous Year That Was 2020 (and an encouraging nudge from her loving husband) to inspire her to conquer her fearful hesitancy and write her first novel—finally making her long-held dream of being an author come true. <br> Her hobbies include reading to her beautiful son, drinking coffee that’s gone cold and calling it iced, collecting notebooks she deems "too pretty" to actually write in, art journaling, and enjoying the delicious, plant-based food her husband cooks when he isn't making music.&nbsp; <br> Tenaya hopes that by pursuing this career of her dreams, she can show her son (and anyone else who's watching) that where there is a will, there really is a way. It's not just a saying.