Also by Isadora Brown...

Academy of the Divine

Academy of the Peculiars Saga

Godslayer Academy Series

Keepers of the Crypt Saga

Other books by Isadora Brown

Shadows of Wonderland


The Academy of Peculiars Series

The Dark Paradise Trilogy

The Neverland Series

The Neverland Trilogy

The Pyrate Hunter Saga

The Serpent & Bone Duet

The Somerset Supernatural Series

The Vampire Pirate Saga

The Vampire Pirates Saga

The Were-Weapon Chronicles

About the author

Isadora Brown

Full disclosure: I am an acquired taste. I'm a typical blonde Orange County suburbanite who says 'like' more than necessary, laughs loud and probably obnoxiously, and loves to dance in the rain. I'm a 25 year old college graduate with more than a few tricks up my sleeve, and I also happen to be a pretty big Ducks fan. Oh, and I'm a writer. Like, for real.

I recently signed with Anchor Group Publishing, which will see two of my series being published this year. I've self-published over 15 books, with more on the way, so I'm familiar with both a hybrid-traditional publishing method as well as self-publishing.  

I don't speak in third person (normally) nor do I wear glasses (except when I'm feeling particularly mischievous). I'm lucky to have found my soul mate at the ripe old age of 22, even though he frustrates me on purpose to get a reaction out of me. We live near Disneyland, have two rambunctious female puppies, and have a beautiful baby girl. He has two amazing boys, and has gotten me hooked on Smallville, watching soccer (okay, okay FOOTBALL - FC Barcelona, baby!), and Cancun Juice.