Mike Carss is Canadian, hailing from Ottawa, better recognised for his music than his prose. Mike's literary journey started innocently enough in 2013 with <em>Deeds of Their Past</em>. What began as a short narrative developed into a fantasy adventure novel that followed the travels of two morally dubious characters.<br><br>The sequel, <em>Strength of Fate</em>, took nearly a decade to complete, however finishing that project opened the floodgates. Work on <em>The Roaming Sea</em> began soon after, and its completion was reached in record time for Carss—under a year. Happy with his accomplishments, he has no plans to slow down. As of late 2024, a new series is currently in its planning stages.<br><br>Follow Mike on Goodreads:<br>https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7218891.Mike_Carss<br><br>His Music:<br>https://www.altusmusic.ca<br>