About the author

Roxanna Piedrafuette

<p><strong>Roxanna Piedrafuette</strong> is a scientist-turned-writer, born and raised in the enchanted Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Due to the vagaries of destiny, she has lived in six different countries on three continents, which has given her a confusing but wondrous worldview that she is still trying to sort out. Nowadays, she lives in Qatar with her awesome husband and an utterly presumptuous but adorable cat. <em>Lizard-Monkeys and Other Stories</em> is her first fiction publication.</p> <p>Visit my website at www. rantinella.com</p> <p>Follow me on Facebook: Roxanna Piedrafuette @RantInEllaLife</p> <p>Follow me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/roxanna-piedrafuette-a93a26162</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s connect on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/94065836-roxanna-piedrafuette</p>