About the author

Mark B Matthews

<p>Artist,&#160;author, blogger, voice talent, web designer, and podcaster;&#160;Mark Matthews is part maverick, part mystic.&#160;<em><strong>"I live a magical life outside the consensus reality" </strong>he writes<strong>, "</strong></em><em><strong>I embrace&#160;wonder and&#160;beauty. I stand in awe&#160;of the Great Mystery which binds everything together in Oneness."</strong></em></p>&#13; &#13; <p>An early adopter of Bitcoin, Matthews is a big advacate for&#160;open source money. His article <u><em>The Seperation of Money and State</em></u> was published in 2013 forecasting&#160;the sea change that was coming: "<em>honest money demands honest government</em>."&#160;&#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>As a boy growing up&#160;on the Pine Ridge&#160;Reservation, Matthews lived throught the 1973 stand off between AIM and FBI. It was at this time he earned the nickname "Wasaka" (Wah-SHOCK-Ah) which is Lakota Sioux for "tuffy."&#160; Soon Wasaka discovered his talent as an artist and&#160;all his work is signed with his Indian name.&#160;&#160;<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; After the family moved&#160;to Alaska, he&#160;would go on to illustrate the Foxfire magazine for the Nanwalek High School, a remote "bush" village on the tip of Kenai Peninsula. Wasaka&#160;now resides in the beautiful artist community of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. You may see him sporting a steampunk hat in the local coffee shop if he isn't kayaking down the Buffalo River.&#160;</p>