About the author

Michael L. Wilson

<p>Thanks for stopping by my author page, I&rsquo;ll be your host during your visit here. I was born in the great state of Indianapolis, relocated to the beautiful state of Kentucky where, I attended the University of Kentucky, majoring in Architectural studies. Although I didn&rsquo;t successfully walk down the isle while tossing my cap in the air, I did however manage to strum up a small successful lawn &amp; landscape business. With a career change in mind, I decided to relocate to where, I currently reside in the wonderful blazing hot state of Arizona. Yes it really does reach the 120&rsquo;s here so if you visit be prepared.<br /> <br /> I enjoy writing as I always have. More times than not if I am not out and about being active with friends, family or, traveling, I&rsquo;m thinking up the next short story. When I write, I am typically converting what could be perceived as a bad situation in life, and turning it into something positive. One of the questions I have been asked my whole life is how can you stay so positive and vibrant while everyone else has their grumpy pants on?<br /> My answer to that is, God blessed us with a life that we should be living and enjoying. After all, life&rsquo;s far too short and, I&rsquo;m not one to remain captive to the circle of negativity.<br /> <br /> I am also an extreme socialist so, if socializing and mingling with people was a sport, I&rsquo;d be a natural born champ. What do I like to read and write? Well, here&rsquo;s a shocker for some folks, I absolutely refuse to read, but I love writing. Yes, that means you won&rsquo;t find me reading a book, you&rsquo;ll find me with a pen and paper people watching. I think one of my English professors destroyed my desire to read.<br /> <br /> What do I write?<br /> <br /> . Short stories<br /> . Paranormal romance<br /> . Paranormal fantasy<br /> . Romance (Yes, I have to admit I have at times revealed a softer side)<br /> . Fantasy stories<br /> . Life, nature, and all the great things we miss on a daily basis because we&rsquo;re too blinded by the negative.<br /> <br /> So, there you have it folks a large blurb about me, and if you haven&rsquo;t done so, be sure to check out my latest short story within the paranormal fantasy section, Quills of a Queen, a short paranormal fantasy. Social media links, blogs, and videos coming soon. No, wait that should have been more like &ldquo;Coming soon to a theater near you.&rdquo;</p>