About the author

William A. Gray

<p><strong>William A. Gray, Ph.D.</strong></p>&#13; &#13; <p>While approaching my eighth decade,&#160; I&#8217;ve looked back on the good and bad times<em>.</em> I realize God caused ALL things to work together for my good &#8211; because He loves me and I love Him&#160; (Romans 8:28).</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I'm authoring books and online courses&#160;to share Lessons Learned and Spiritual Insights that He has orchestrated for me &#8211; so others can benefit from what I <em>Learned</em>, <em>Unlearned</em>, and then <em>Relearned</em> multiple times.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Socrates lived nearly 2500 years ago (470-399 BC). His famous maxim is still true today: &#8220;The unexamined life is not worth living.&#8221; My <strong>non-fiction books</strong> focus on topics relevant for living an &#8220;examined life&#8221; today:</p>&#13; &#13; <ul>&#13; <li><strong><em>God Nods on His Story About Me </em></strong>idescribes the <em>God Nods</em> in my life &#8211; the people and events that God orchestrated. It describes what I <em>Learned</em>, had to <em>Unlearn</em>, and then <em>Relearned</em> multiple times as I went through radical transformations (from practicing Religious Legalism, to embracing do-my-own-thing Humanism, to becoming a Born Again Christian).</li>&#13; <li><strong><em>Understanding Worldviews</em></strong> contrasts eight very different worldviews and helps readers &#8220;ask questions&#8221; so proponents must defend what they believe.</li>&#13; </ul>&#13; &#13; <p>My <strong>fiction </strong>Trilogy is based on the concept of <em>God Nods</em> &#8211; God-orchestrated events that fulfill His Purpose.</p>&#13; &#13; <ol>&#13; <li>Book #1 &#160;&#8211;&#160;<strong><em>God Nods on True Love</em></strong>&#160;&#8211; Main characters pursue different types of love with different consequences. Two become helpmates who stand up to Naturalism/evolution, while two others become companions for new adventures.</li>&#13; <li>Book #2 &#160;&#8211;&#160;<strong><em>God Nods on Truth</em></strong>&#160;&#8211;Main characters &#8220;wake up&#8221; readers to the &#8220;woke culture&#8221; and stand up to &#8220;political correctness.&#8221;</li>&#13; <li>Book #3 &#160;&#8211;&#160;<strong><em>God Nods on Destiny</em></strong>&#160;&#8211;Main characters confront Islam&#8217;s aim to dominate Western Civilization.</li>&#13; </ol>&#13; &#13; <p><strong>Email:</strong> ChristianMemoirs@shaw.ca</p>