<p>Books You Can't Put Down Once You Begin. WARNING: make sure you don't have anything important going on the next day because these gripping books will keep you awake all night long.<br>Clemens P. Suter is the author of top-rated SciFi and adventure stories. His novel TWO JOURNEYS (2011) describes the adventures of the sole survivor of a corona pandemic - how visionary is that then?!. FIELDS OF FIRE (2016) and REBOUND (2022) are further installments in this series. CELETERRA (2013) is one of the few atheist crime novels ever-written. Suter's novels and short stories are suited for all ages, combining straightforward adventure, philosophic elements, and dark humor. Clemens P. Suter has a Ph.D. in biology, his scientific know-how is omnipresent in all of his works.<br>Remember: >>> THE BEST PAGE-TURNERS ARE WORTH THE LOSS OF SLEEP</p>