About the author

Simone A. Clarke

<p>Simone A. Clarke is a Jamaican who was raised in West Rural St. Andrew, Jamaica.</p><p>In January 2012, Ms. Clarke left Jamaica to pursue graduate studies in Childhood Mathematics Education at City University of New York &#8211; Brooklyn College. During her first semester, one of her assignments was to write a mathematics storybook for children. Ms. Clarke wrote <u>Gigi&#8217;s Encounter with Temperature</u>. By the time she graduated in 2014, her desire to research, write and educate both children and adults using the performing arts had soared.</p><p>After growing weary with the lingering emotional pain of a divorce, Ms. Clarke found therapy in expressing her thoughts in poetry starting in November 2014. As she wrote, her desire to study the &#8220;Gospel of the Grace of God&#8221; (Acts 20: 24 KJV) deepened.</p><p>She succeeded in writing <em>The Most Gracious Gazillionaire</em> in three volumes:</p><p><em>Volume One &#8211; Be Yourself and Walk in Purpose</em></p><p><em>Volume Two &#8211; &#8220;My Grace is Sufficient for You&#8221;&#160;&#160; </em></p><p><em>Volume Three &#8211; Experience the &#8220;Limitless Riches of His Grace&#8221;&#160; </em></p><p>Ms. Clarke uses her poetry to assist with teaching &#8220;The Gospel of the Grace of God.&#8221; Her pieces are also used to inspire others to &#8220;Launch out into the Deep,&#8221; understand their identity in Christ Jesus and walk in their calling and purpose. She also writes lyrics to help with recall of mathematics concepts and facts.</p><p/><p>Connect with the author via social media:</p> <ul> <li>https://www.facebook.com/simonethespokenwordpoet.author</li> <li>http://www.instagram.com/simonespokenwordpoetry</li> <li><strong>Youtube:</strong> Simone&#8217;s Spoken Word Poetry or</li> </ul> <p>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClaeQaTlbqwaHqGrBgBf7ww</p> <ul> <li>https://twitter.com/simoneswpoetry</li> <li>https://themostgraciousgazillionairepoetrybook.wordpress.com</li> <li>simoneaclarkethepoet@gmail.com</li> </ul> <p/> <p>&#160;</p>