Also by Baer Charlton...

A Thorny Wallace Novel

Other books by Baer Charlton


The Southside Hooker

A Frank Pounds novel

"Rocket" Richards


A Nash Running Bear Mystery

Junior Agent, Nash Running Bear, FBI

About the author

Baer Charlton

Baer Charlton graduated from UC Irvine with a degree in Social Anthropology, monkeyed around for a while, and then proceeded onward with a life of global travel, multi-disciplinary adventure, and meeting the memorable array of characters he would come to describe in his writing.
He has ridden things with gears, engines, and sails and made things with wood, leather, and metal. He has been stitched back together more times than the average hockey team; his wife and an assortment of cats and dogs have nursed him back to health after each surgery.