About the author

Larry Burnett

<p><strong><em>Experience and Education:</em></strong>&#160; I have been in the ministry since 1978.&#160; I am an ordained minister in a very balanced, well-respected, world-wide Evangelical Protestant denomination.&#160; My degree is in Biblical Literature and Pastoral Ministry.&#160;</p><p><strong><em>Pilgrim Ministries</em></strong>&#160;was born in the mid 1980&#8217;s as my personal speaking and writing ministry. The ministry is still very vital and growing today.&#160;&#160;<br/> <br/> <strong><em>The Back 40 Museum website</em></strong>&#160;has now become the&#160;<em>Internet Headquarters</em>&#160;and a very important platform of&#160;<em>Pilgrim Ministries</em>.&#160;&#160;<br/> &#160;</p>