About the author

Daniel A. Greathead

<p> Angus Ecrivain, some say, was born. Others say he appeared by random chance, an anomaly in the very fabric of existence. All that is known for certain, is that he was found in ASDA aged six, hiding in a cardboard box on the pharmaceutical aisle.<br /> Very little is known about his life prior to the ASDA incident, in fact there are few mentions of him in Archives at all after that until his mid-twenties.<br /> There is a brief footnote regarding his school life, though said footnote clearly does not tell the whole story. All it says is, &#39;must do better, see me afterwards.&#39;<br /> Mr Ecrivain began writing whilst working nights, which he still does. A particularly long and boring night shift whilst working at an undisclosed location resulted in the writing of a short piece of science fiction. From that short piece, Half-Light was born.<br /> Angus has been working on Half-Light since 2007, and the series is still going strong.<br /> Though Half-Light is his baby, his pride and joy, it is not an exclusive relationship. Other projects he&#39;s written are too numerous to mention here but can be found in his personal Archive.<br /> The Future Histories though, are where Angus Ecrivain features both frequently and heavily. It is said that through his words great civilisations will rise and fall, that the planets of Sol will align, and that Pot Noodles will actually taste like food.<br /> Angus has a wife and a puppy. They live together in a Sussex village where there&#39;s a pub and not much else.<br /> He has two guitars, Suzy and Melika. He occasionally wears a kilt, and is an avid Nottingham Forest supporter. Whilst writing he listens to rock and metal, just as he does when he&#39;s not writing. He also knows Rule #34 is fact and according to the Future Histories, will prove it.<br /> He enjoys the works of Sir Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt, Jack Campbell, and Douglas Adams to name a few. Basically if it&#39;s humour, sci-fi, or fantasy, the chances are he loves it.</p> <p> Transmission Ends, Bitches...</p>