About the author

SA Andrews

<br><em>“Revenge is an evil mistress.”</em><br><br>Retired, remote MidWest living. Married. Children. Dog.<br>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​<br><em>Life's mysteries find those bold enough to seek.</em><br>​​​​​​​SA Andrews’s current offering&nbsp;<strong>Love Gone Murder</strong>&nbsp;a 3-part series. The first story&nbsp;<strong>Adelphi</strong>-<em>Mysterious Man</em> approx. 9,000+ words. The second&nbsp;<strong>Even</strong>-<em>Peabody’s Revenge</em><em> </em><em>approx. 8,400 words. Concluding with</em><em> </em><strong>County Line Murder</strong><strong><em>-</em></strong><em>Tragic Threesome</em><em>,</em><em> a novel approx. 67,000 words.</em><br><br><em>Another complete fiction work includes - </em><strong>Under the Pegasus</strong>-Living for Tomorrow<em>. My Short Stories range from 1-page to 100-page works</em><br>​​​​​​​<br>Urban to Isolated- USA, Europe, Asia finds its way into my works.<br><strong><em>Fiction - Mystery, Contemporary, Crime, Humor, Sci-Fi, Americana, Slice of Life, Fantasy, Philosophy</em></strong><br>Author of Novels, Novellas, Short Reads, Short Stories