About the author

Robyn M. Ryan

​​​​Robyn M. Ryan writes fresh and sensual sports romances, including the <em><strong>Clearing the Ice</strong></em> hockey trilogy and its&nbsp;spin-off <em><strong>Tampa Suns Hocke</strong></em>y series.<br>&nbsp;<br>Chicago-born, honorary Atlanta native, Parisienne at heart, Robyn is a proud&nbsp;60’s Flower Child and a “fearless” barrier-breaker for female sports journalists and minor league “batpersons.”&nbsp;While in college, Robyn scored a PR internship with an NHL team during its first season. As a freelance writer,&nbsp;Robyn interviewed future MLB and NHL Hall of Fame members and published in a variety of print media.&nbsp;Wife, mom, grandmother, PR professional, and finally, many years later, published author.&nbsp;Two Westie grand-dogs now run the household.<br>&nbsp;