<p>Currently David is a high school teacher in bush Alaska. During the summer, David travels the west coast of the United States, surfing, camping and generally getting into trouble whenever he can. Sometimes, he likes visiting his sister in the medieval region of the United States known as Kansas and watching local people peer at his Alaska license plates, while trying to figure out why he has a surfboard on top of his car and a University of California sticker on the back window.</p><p>His life experiences and the two times he was chased by a moose, not to mention the three times he was abducted by space aliens (<u>not</u> recommended) uniquely qualify him to write about the human experience in isolated bush Alaska, Otter Rock, Oregon (great surfing), and Paris, France. He also loves art, and plans to spend his summer vacation next year in Paris at the entrance to a supermarket parking lot holding up a sign that reads, ‘Will teach English and history, for a Chagall.’</p>