About the author

R.K. King

<p>R.K. King began writing alone with his action figures. He&rsquo;d create ongoing narratives starring those little plastic superheroes, mutant turtles and Force-weilding space wizards. Those narratives would eventually be typed down once the household included an old macintosh computer, and a word processor to record those pint-sized adventures.</p> <p>He would continue to write short stories (mostly considered fan fiction by today&rsquo;s standards) well into high school, and was on the team for the inaugural cinematography club. Being in the club allowed him to write, film and edit a collection of short works. It inspired him to pursue film school after high school. During his studies, he learned he actually did not want to be the next Spielberg after all (he preferred screenwriting to all other aspects), and instead, due to being the youngest in the class, was utilized as an actor in most of the school projects. He dabbled in acting professionally for a few years before one of his longest gestating projects, Eye Of The Storm, came to real fruition, and spurred him back to novel writing.</p> <p></p> <p>Eye Of The Storm is his first released novel.</p> <p></p> <p>R.K. King lives in beautiful British Columbia with his wonderful wife and crazy cat (who keeps trying to type her own stories on his keyboard)</p> <p></p> <p>R.K. King can be reached on Twitter and Intagram</p> <p>@real_rkking</p>