About the author

Toni Jackson

<p><em>I&#39;ve been reading everything I could since the age of 5 - Shakespeare, Hans Christian Anderson, The Original Grimm&#39;s Fairy Tales, my older brother&#39;s school books (I was desperate!), and my mother&#39;s romance novels. By the time I started Junior High school, I was already beginning to crank out my own mini series featuring cute boys that I would see traveling back and forth to school.</em></p><p><em>It wasn&#39;t until I got older, however, that I settled down and began to seriously focus on writing. A friend of mine dragged me off to writing classes at a local college and everything took off from there.</em></p><p><em>For the past several years, I&#39;ve been writing a character on a superhero blog named Terra Stone.&nbsp; With Terra, I was able to feed my love of writing and science fiction, since Terra was the only alien on the team. At some point, I&#39;ll go back and write her back story, but for now, I&#39;m content jotting down the strange &nbsp;ideas that come to mind and shaping them into something worth reading.</em></p><p><em>​Member of RWA; RWA Cultural, Interracial and Multicultral Chapter, RWA Washington DC Chapter</em></p>