Immortality isn't just about living forever; sometimes, it's about forever refusing to let things die.
For his 15th birthday, David Rose wishes for things to go back to the way they were. He wants the nightmares to end, the bullies to …
Also by Daryl Rothman...
David Rose
Other books by Daryl Rothman
About the author
Daryl Rothman
I’m a writer. From childhood I kindled three dreams: to one day become a father, a writer, and a baseball player.
Two of three ain’t bad. (I shall neither confirm nor deny holding out deluded hope for the third.) Most of what I write is fiction, but not all. I write the occasional article and guest post, and conduct some interviews. I’m an English major, have a masters in social work, and have been an early childhood leader/advocate for many years. I’m sports-obsessed, love animals, and love to share the veritable treasure trove of pithy comments from my kiddos, particularly my little girl, about whom I receive regular requests for more “Rachelisms.”