About the author

Marcus Dods

<p>Marcus Dods&nbsp;(11 April 1834 &ndash; 26 April 1909) was a&nbsp;Scottish&nbsp;divine and controversial&nbsp;biblical&nbsp;scholar. He was a minister of the&nbsp;Free Church of Scotland. He served as Principal of New College in&nbsp;Edinburgh University.</p><p>Throughout his life, both ministerial and professorial, he devoted much time to the publication of theological books. Several of his writings, especially a sermon on&nbsp;<em>Inspiration</em>delivered in 1878, incurred the charge of unorthodoxy, and shortly before his election to the Edinburgh professorship he was summoned before the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, but the charge was dropped by a large majority, and in 1891 he received the honorary degree of&nbsp;DD&nbsp;from Edinburgh University.</p><p>He edited&nbsp;Johann Peter Lange&#39;s&nbsp;<em>Life of Christ in English</em>&nbsp;(Edinburgh, 1864, 6 vols.),&nbsp;Augustine&#39;s works (1872&ndash;1876), and, with&nbsp;Alexander Whyte,&nbsp;<em>Clark&#39;s Handbooks for Bible Classes</em>&nbsp;series. In the&nbsp;<em>Expositors Bible</em>&nbsp;series he edited&nbsp;Genesis&nbsp;and&nbsp;1 Corinthians, and he was also a contributor to the 9th edition of the&nbsp;<em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Britannica</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>Hastings&#39; Dictionary of the Bible</em>.</p>