About the author

Yeral E. Ogando

<p>Yeral E. Ogando was born on May 18th, 1977 in Las Matas de Farf&#225;n, Dominican Republic. Yeral is polyglot or multilingual person.</p><p>He has been able to learn Spanish, English, French, Italian, Haitian Creole, German, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Modern &amp; Biblical Greek and Biblical Hebrew.</p><p>Yeral E. Ogando has earned several university degrees</p><p>Master of Arts in Theological Studies&lt; Master of Arts in Languages and Linguistics, P.H.D of Arts in Theological Studies among others.</p><p>He has also been able to write the following books:</p>&#13; <ul>&#13; <li><strong>Learn Italian by Yeral E. Ogando</strong></li>&#13; <li><strong>The Hero within</strong> - <strong>Awareness / The Hero Within - Power / The Hero Within - Nede Land 1 / The Hero Within - Nede Land 2 </strong>(a Christian fiction Hero series and a Christian Manga Version of the story)</li>&#13; </ul>&#13; &#13; <p>He has been a Bible professor for many years and teacher for several languages locally and internationally, such as <em>Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole.</em></p>&#13; <p/>&#13; <p>His hobbies are reading and listening to music. He is passionate for teaching, learning and starting new ministries and businesses.</p>