About the author

Charlie Hopper

<p>Charlie Hopper&#160;has over 30 years of successful&#160;landscape, community, and ecosystem design, emphasizing human, natural, and planetary regeneration. Charlie has a vast portfolio of built, digital, and living systems and designs&#160;helping people and places&#160;thrive&#160;throughout&#160;the Midwest, Southern, and Eastern parts of the United States. His work has been published in numerous print and online publications, books, and television shows.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Charlie has spent his life planting trees for others to sit under. For the last five years, he&#160;has organized&#160;entrepreneurs, leaders, and communities&#160;to regenerate Kansas City, Missouri's&#160;Blue River Valley, the Heartland, and our country.&#160;With entrepreneurial success&#160;in private, government, and nonprofit sectors, Charlie's&#160;understandings of how things work and grow are experiential, vast, and in-depth.</p>