About the author

Jeff Severcool

<p>Jeff Severcool&nbsp;was born and raised in&nbsp;upstate New York,&nbsp;but resides in&nbsp;Charlotte, North Carolina.&nbsp;In addition to his&nbsp;writing, he&rsquo;s been active in a variety of martial arts for over a decade, and is completely addicted to tennis.&nbsp;He&nbsp;spends&nbsp;a lot of time Googling bizarre things for no reason &ndash; things like &ldquo;Oakville blobs&rdquo; and &ldquo;Nicholas Cage&rsquo;s pyramid tomb.&rdquo; He also loves&nbsp;Zillow&rsquo;ing houses he&nbsp;can&rsquo;t afford, loitering in coffee shops,&nbsp;and spending time with his&nbsp;daughter doing anything at all.&nbsp;<em>The </em><em>S</em><em>ecr</em><em>et </em><em>Wi</em><em>tch</em>&nbsp;is his debut&nbsp;novel.</p>