About the author

Orietta Rose

<p style="font-style:normal">Several years ago I started going to community college for Early Childhood Education, but dropped out within months of beginning; the content of the courses was so common sense that I realized the entire endeavor was a waste of both time &amp; money. I then worked as a Teacher&rsquo;s Assistant in a daycare center for a year and a half before leaving NY. However, my time there only enforced a view I&rsquo;ve had since I was fourteen: <em>There is something wrong with the USA&#39;s education system. </em>Now, at 25, I write eBooks and have started a YouTube channel called <strong>HomeGrown Life </strong>(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24TubhLGWXI0LAOiegGMIQ) with the goal of empowering families to think outside the boxes they&rsquo;ve been regulated to.</p>