Also by Lori G. Cain...

Family Caregiver Series

About the author

Lori G. Cain

About being a family caregiver Lori writes, “Caregiving is a work of the heart, chosen in love. In our journey as caregivers, my husband and I found our greatest success in our ability to be innovative.  Besides the general concerns that arise with aging, our experience lies in caring for my father-in-law with Parkinson's disease and dementia, and my mother with cancer.  I document everything and have filled many three-ring binders with what has transpired in our home over the years.  A home health care assessment  assured us we had created a safe and supportive environment for our parents. Our nurse suggested other families may find value in our experiences, thus I began writing. I have turned my notes into several short and specific caregiver guides. While I write from the perspective of a PD/dementia caregiver, the information has universal application within the realm of family eldercare.  My dream is that sharing our lives as family caregivers will support and encourage others on a similar path.”