About the author

David Howard

<p>Joshua David Howard was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, grew up in Los Angeles, California, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida. He came from a big family, with eight total siblings (including himself) and his beloved parents, happily married. Joshua first shared the gospel through the popular app called "TikTok" in October of 2020. He made a vow to God to share the gospel before he recorded his first video. He later&#160; shared the gospel on YouTube in May of 2021 after God told him to quit sharing it through TikTok earlier that year. He knew God had bigger plans for him, and he wanted to be in the perfect will of God, not trying to establish his own righteousness. So, with the help of the Holy Spirit from the start, he actively shared and recorded a message a day when he started out on YouTube. From there on out, Joshua never gave up on sharing the gospel online through YouTube videos, however, once he moved to Tampa, Florida, he knew again, God had bigger plans for him. His primary focus in life is to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a lost and dying world, fulfill the great commission before Jesus comes back, and see a revival take place in his family's heart&#8217;s and lives.</p>