About the author

Belinda Pieterse

<p>I finished my BA Degree (Psychology/Sociology) in 2012 at the age of 41.</p><p>I also did various counselling courses, specializing in helping victims who come from severe childhood abuse on their road to healing. I have more than 10-year&rsquo;s hands-on experience as caregiver and coach, in this field.</p><p>In addition to the above, I was previously the director of my own IT Company from 2002 until 2013 and I was responsible for all administrative and financial aspects.</p><p>After my divorce in 2015, I realized that I still was not sure who I am. I went on my own &lsquo;WHO AM I&rsquo; journey to discover my true self who was hidden underneath years of emotional/psychological abuse.</p><p>I wrote the book, Freedom &ndash; comes from knowing and understanding yourself, born from my heart&rsquo;s desire to assist people on their journey to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. And as I discovered this can only take place if we truly understand ourselves and become comfortable and confident with who we are.</p><p>Now I am a full-time life-coach and motivational speaker, sharing my personal story/experience as well as academic knowledge to assist people on their journey to self-discovery and self-understanding. And I love every minute&hellip;</p>