About the author

Hammer Trollkin

<p>Hammer Trollkin has always loved reading Science Fiction and Fantasy.&#160; Then he was blessed with grandchildren who loved to play make believe games.&#160; To any who may enjoy his writing, it was from them that the flame was sparked.&#160; All that make believe time opened up entire worlds filled with imagination and adventure.&#160;</p><p>Enjoying science in general didn&#8217;t hurt either.&#160; To a guy like Hammer, the next logical step was to write books.&#160; The Shockwave series is his debut work.&#160; All that imagination and adventure adds up to a whole lot of books.&#160;</p><p>Hammer lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, not far from his children and grandchildren.&#160; He loves spiritual things.&#160; When he&#8217;s not writing, or sometimes even when he is writing, Hammer enjoys the outdoors.&#160; He started out in Minnesota but the call of the mountains and the sea captured him.&#160;</p><p>Well, there he goes, back typing away.&#160; That&#8217;s all we&#8217;re going to get for now.&#160; Can&#8217;t let all that imagination go to waste.&#160;</p>