About the author

Murat Tuncel

<p>Murat Tuncel was born in Kars, in eastern Turkey in 1952. He worked in Turkey as a primary school teacher and later taught Turkish language in a high school. He later worked as a journalist for many newspapers and magazines.<br/>&#13; He has published eleven books in Turkish including novels, short stories children&#8217;s books and memoirs. Two of his novels and a short story collection won major literary awards in Turkey.<br/>&#13; His first story was published in the Uyani&#351; newspaper in 1979. His stories are published in literary magazines such as Varlik, Evrensel K&#252;lt&#252;r, Damar, Edeb&#305;yat Dunyas&#305;, K&#305;y&#305;, G&#246;steri Sanat, Cumhuriyet Kitap. He also regularly contributes to Turkish literary magazines on subjects such as Dutch and Flemish literature.<br/>&#13; Its several tales are translated and are published in Russian, Arab, pulse, Korean and Azeritisch. To be last novel Inanna is translated in Arab (Syria), Korean and Bulgarian.<br/>&#13; His last novel Traciasun is translated &#305;n Bulgars en Arab&#305;c.<br/>&#13; He is member of Turkish writers association (TYS, Dutch writers association (VvL), Turkish PEN, Turkish journalists association and several writer's clubs.</p>