About the author

Lyn D. Nielsen

​​​​​​​Lyn D. Nielsen knows first-hand how facing death … illuminates life; and she writes accordingly, embracing drama, adventure, and mystery to inspire her readers—especially through the dark times. And like the main characters in her <em>Place of Sage Trilogy</em>, she is often seen wearing a favorite ball cap, and tromping, or in her case, tripping through the sage. She also wrote<em></em><em><strong> Hey, There’s a Dog</strong> on My Feet!</em> to inspire children, and credits all her writing to God, for without Him there would be no stories.<br><p>From the desert of Washington State, she invites you to join her Place of Sage family,&nbsp;where belonging is . . . Inspiration.&nbsp; www.lyndnielsen.com</p>