About the author

Tiara King

​​​​​​​<strong><em>Welcome to the sparkling world of Tiara King, Creative Artist!</em></strong><br><br>​​​​​​​<strong><em>Tiara&nbsp;</em></strong>burst into the world of publishing in 2011 and has blazed a trail ever since. Writing adult fiction as<strong><em> L.J. Diva</em></strong>, non-fiction and teen stories as <strong><em>Tiara King</em></strong>, and teen and young adult stories as<strong><em> T.K. Wrathbone</em></strong>, she started her own publishing house, <strong><em>Royal Star Publishing</em></strong>, to accommodate all of her books, genres, and multiple personalities.<br><br>​​​​​​​<strong><em>Tiara&nbsp;</em></strong>has also been creating jewellery and accessories since 1990, turned her obsessive love for it into her label,&nbsp;<strong><em>Jewel Divas,</em></strong>&nbsp;and writes weekly at her style site,<strong><em>&nbsp;Jewel Divas Style</em></strong>, a one-stop blog for sparkling jewels, style, fun, and dancing under disco balls.&nbsp;She added styling and colour courses to her repertoire through the <strong><em>Academy of Professional Image</em></strong> in 2013.​​​​​​​<br><br>​​​​​​​<strong><em>Tiara</em></strong> lives in Australia, has an obsession with colourful kaftans and kimonos, is a jewellery and sparkle addict, 80s music lover, book collector, and loves anything tropical. She’s also the long-term carer for her mother, but hopes that one day she’ll finally be free to spread her wings and move her creative life to Queensland’s Gold Coast.​​​​​​​<br><br>​​​​​​​<strong>F​​​​​​​or even more information visit – www.tiaraking.com.au</strong>