About the author

Liz Boeger

Liz Boeger's stint as a swimsuit model peaked in kindergarten. Her fallback career as a mystery author didn't surface until she hit the mid-century mark. In between, she wrangled children, adults, and the occasional Florida panther as a teacher and school administrator. And that encounter with the U.S. Secret Service may show up in a plot someday.<br><br>Her multi-award nominated mystery series is inspired by her childhood nearby Rattlesnake, Florida. Member of Sisters in Crime, SinC Guppies, and Florida Writers Association.<br><br>She's a graduate of Tampa's Robinson High School, The University of Tampa, and Saint Leo University. Her hobbies, other than plotting murder, include gardening, quilting, and cheering all things great about her hometown, Tampa!<br><br>Watch for the 2022 release of AppleJacked-Book 2 in the Moccasin Cove Mystery series.&nbsp;