About the author


<p>Socially awkward witches, sad hugs, dramatic adventures, spooky stuff and comfy dungeons - My name is D.M. Rhodes, but I love to write about those things under the moniker 'Razzmatazz'. (Hopefully full-time, one day soon!) I&#8217;m a hobby occultist and, more boringly, I&#8217;m an XR expert, as well as a government-trained media and information specialist.<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; The main genres that I write in are litRPG-fantasy, action, adventure, romance, tragedy, horror and slice-of-life. I seriously vibe with religious and occult overtones mixed in with super obscure story concepts. &#176;( ~ )&#176;<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; Thanks for taking an interest! Because of supportive readers like yourself, I can keep following my socially unacceptable dream! (I'm going to become the wizard-king.)</p>