About the author

Davin Bradley

​​​​​​​​​​​​<strong>​​​​​​​Davin Bradley</strong>&nbsp;currently lives on the West Coast, where he serves the Lord through Bible teaching and fiction writing. His early years follow the trail of a prodigal son, but now in his latter years, he yearns to follow in the footsteps of the Savior and to use his writing to glorify God.<br><br><em><strong>Hope in the Midst Ministries</strong></em> (HIMM) is dedicated to discipling young and growing Christians in the faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ our Savior. <br>​​​​​​​See our Davin Bradley books on Amazon or contact us at&nbsp;<strong>davinbradley19@gmail.com</strong>.<br>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​<br>​​​<br>