About the author

Michael Tefft

Michael Tefft is a software developer, musician, and writer who lives in Central New York. This is his second novel. Previously, he has written two one-act plays <em>The Job Interview</em> and <em>Musical Chairs</em> and the first novel in the <em>Reluctant </em>series, <em>The Reluctant Captain</em>. <br><br>Michael’s other passion is music. In the spring, he can often be found playing&nbsp; trumpet in the orchestra for many high school musicals. In the summer, he can often be found playing in local community band concerts and in the winter, he plays in many holiday concerts. <br><br>When he’s not doing the above, Michael is a fan of hockey, roleplaying games, and Star Trek. He’s proud that he’s been a long time fan of Captain America and The Avengers, way before the movies made them cool.