About the author

David Bewley

<p>David was born in Leeds in the UK in a957 to a hard working, working class family. He grew up, and developed as an engineer, working in that industry for 30 years. From an early age he developed a kean interest in mortor racing anf formula 1, and all mechanical things.&#160;</p><p>For a time he was deeply involved in UK kart racing, even racing for a time against stars of the future. Although it was far too late for him, he was in his mid 30's.</p><p>At the age of forty he suffered a heart attack, which meant he had to stop some of his more strenious activities, and during a period of recuperation in 1997 he penned his first novel 'The Diamond Seat'.</p><p>Further novels followed some years later, with "The Extinguisher" and then the final one in that series "The extinguisher, Revenge".</p><p>Planning for retirement, he and his wife of 42 years bought a boat, in which they pan to cruise around the British Isles.</p><p>They are sure there will be more books to follow, logging thier avdventures along the way.</p>