Julie is a multi-genre author. Her articles and stories are featured in self-help, inspirational, trade, and fiction publications including <em>Writer’s Digest</em>, <em>Coping With Cancer</em>, <em>Complete Woman</em>, <em>Daily Meditation</em>, and the anthology <em>Writes of Passage: Every Woman has a Story!<br></em><br>She is the 1999 <em>Writer’s Digest</em> Writing Competition Grand Prize Winner for her horror short story, “House Call.”<br><br>Her seventh novel, <em>Falling Stars</em>, is an eleven-time award winner, including the 2023 International Firebird Awards First Place in Urban Fantasy, the 2023 Pinnacle Book Awards Best Book in Fantasy, and the 2023 Outstanding Creator Awards First Place in Medical Fiction.<br><br>Other awards include Fade In magazine’s 2005 Screenplay Semi-Finalist for the thriller, <em>Grave Jumper</em>, and the 1998 Writer’s Digest Writing Competition First for her stage play comedy, <em>Garage Sale</em>.