About the author

Robert Acton

<p> No employer pays a diver just for diving he would need another skill&hellip; I was welder.<br /> I made my first commercial dive in 1976 (I was 23) for North Sea diving services after being interviewed over the phone about sea sickness and nil visibility. I was apprehensive when I left home after being told that my job was going to be dangerous, and I would be working day and night in pitch black water.<br /> I survived but there were a lot of divers that perished in the early days.<br /> After a few months on this job the company asked me to go out to West Africa (Nigeria). I didn&rsquo;t even know where Nigeria was and believe it or not I had only flown once before!!! This is a true story of my life as a diver, with the friends I had, the dangers, and the amusing times that I had during my 20 years of commercial diving. I have included many coloured pictures. It&#39;s a good story which I hope you will enjoy.<br /> &nbsp;</p>