About the author

H. Berkeley Rourke

<p>Berk Rourke was born in Douglas, Arizona on August 28, 1938. His careers were in teaching 8th and 9th grade students initially and then as an attorney for a total of some 40 years. He began writing as a cathartic exercise and enjoyed it so much that he continued with multiple efforts now being published for the first time. His life has known very few limits and his writing in at least three genres has not known limits yet.</p><p>Life activities include military service as a teen and younger man, college/university shortened by economic necessities in the first instance, filling out the requirements of a M.A. in Arts to enhance salary levels, all in night school, and law school for three years, followed by the bar exam in the state of Arizona, licensing in the Federal court system in the District Court of Arizona, the 9th Circuit Court and the United States Supreme Court.</p><p>A brief description of life shows a warrior, a teacher, a warrior of the word, and a writer. Married more than once, currently unmarried, still writing at age 77 with several more books awaiting publishing.</p>