About the author

Elin Gregory

Elin Gregory lives in South Wales and works in a museum in a castle built on the edge of a Roman fort! She reckons that's a pretty cool job. It certainly provides more than enough inspiration for her writing. "The button from a military jacket found in an orchard, a 16th century Venetian coin found between the cobbles of a Welsh street, a carnelian from a Roman signet ring - one can't handle them without wondering who lost them, how much they regretted it and what kind of disaster was sparked off by the loss."<br><br>Elin always has new works on the go and she is currently finishing a novel set in 6th century AD England and contemplating one about the British Secret Service between the two World Wars. Any excuse to buy more books!<br><br>​​​​​​​If you would like to keep up with Elin's news you can follow her blog here - http://elingregory.wordpress.com - and see her website here - http://elingregory.com