About the author

Candace Nola

<p>Candace Nola is an award-winning author, editor, and reviewer with multiple titles available. <strong><em>Breach</em></strong>, <strong><em>Beyond the Breach,</em></strong> <strong><em>Bishop, Earth vs The Lava Spiders, and Exactly The Wrong Things, and various short stories</em></strong>. &#160;You can find her short stories in Secondhand Creeps, The Baker&#8217;s Dozen, and Murder! Murder! anthologies, with more releasing in the next year.&#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p><strong><em>Beyond the Breach</em></strong>, won the &#8220;Novel of the Year&#8221; award for 2021 from the Horror Authors Guild and her Debut Novel, <strong><em>Breach</em></strong>, placed 2nd for &#8220;Debut Novel of the Year&#8221;, also for the 2021 Horror Authors Guild awards. &#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>She is the publisher and editor of the 2022 Splatterpunk Award Winning Anthology &#8220;<strong><em>Uncomfortably Dark Presents: The Baker&#8217;s Dozen</em></strong>.&#8221;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>She is the creator of UncomfortablyDark.com, which hosts her own work but focuses primarily on promoting other indie authors in the industry with weekly book reviews, interviews, and special features.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Uncomfortably Dark Horror stands behind its mission to bring you the best in horror, one uncomfortably dark page at a time!</p>&#13; &#13; <p>You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook and her website, UncomfortablyDark.com. Sign up for her bi-weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news!</p>