<br>AFJ Kernow is a newish writer, <strong><em>Kerensa's Surprising Lagomorphs</em></strong> is his second book. The story is the pilot for a series of science fiction novellas for middle grade readers. His first book <em>Jayne and the Patchworlders</em> was published last May.<br>As a child, he loved fantasy stories; stories by Joan Aiken, Diana Wynne Jones and Norman Hunter. When his children were young, he enjoyed reading them stories by Cressida Cowell, Eoin Colfer and Jacqueline Wilson.<br><br>He used to be a primary school teacher until bipolar changed the direction of his life.<br>He lives in Cornish village near the sea, and has lived in the county for over twenty years.<br>He enjoys writing, listening to music, Dr. Who, watching sitcoms, baking with his granddaughter and is beginning to enjoy gardening but not in the rain. He also loves the spring when the evenings get lighter, Cornish daffodils bloom and birds start tweeting early in the morning!<br>