<p><strong>Elle Mott </strong>is a creative nonfiction author with her essays published in anthologies, literary journals, news media, and other publications. Her memoir, <em>Out of Chaos</em> was released in August 2018 with Boyle and Dalton Publishers. She is currently working on two more books, one a memoir about reconciliation, and the other, a critical biography.<br></p><p><br></p><p><strong>By sharing her story,</strong> she hopes to connect with you. Elle writes about advocacy, personal strength, and humanitarianism. Follow her ongoing journey through her blog, found on her website at <strong>www.ellemottauthor.com.</strong><br></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Volunteering is a hallmark in her life of gratitude.</strong> From this commitment, Elle was awarded “Community Service Leader of the Year, 2017” by a community and activist organization in her greater neighborhood. Work in a public library is her livelihood, while writing is her passion. She makes her home in Northern Kentucky with her brother and pet birds. Her author quote is <em>“Inspired by memoir, focused on life today.”</em><br></p>