Reese Ryan writes sexy, contemporary fiction filled with colorful characters and sinfully-sweet romance. She secretly enjoys torturing her heroines with family and career drama, reformed bad boys, revealed secrets, and the occasional identity crisis, but always rewards them with a happily ever after.</p>
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Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides in Central North Carolina with her husband and son who tolerate her propensity to sing and dance badly. A self-proclaimed Bohemian Southern Belle, she treads the line carefully between being a Northerner and a damned Yankee–despite her insistence on calling soda pop. Reese gauges her progress by the number of “bless your lil’ hearts” she gets each week. She is currently down to two.</p>
Visit Reese online at <strong>ReeseRyan.com</strong>. Follow her on Twitter <strong>@ReeseRyanWrites</strong>. Connect with her on Facebook.</p>