Also by Marion Hill...


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Dance & Listen Series

Marion's 25

About the author

Marion Hill

Marion Hill is the author of Diondray’s Discovery, Diondray’s Journey, and Diondray’s Roundabout, the first three books set in the world of Kammbia and Journey and Discovery, the Omnibus Edition. Also, he is the author of the forthcoming, Marion's 25, his first non-fiction book based on his favorite books as a book review blogger due out in October 2019.
Born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida.  He has lived in Atlanta, Georgia, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Living in those cities helped create the world of Kammbia. Marion currently lives in San Antonio, TX and is working on the fourth book of the series, Diondray’s Destiny, due the fall of 2020.