About the author

Toni Peters

<p>TONI PETERS has always been fascinated with WORDS. She adores books&nbsp;and has been reading everything she could find from a very early age. She began her journey into the world of writing with poetry and&nbsp;has also written several books in fiction and non-fiction.</p><p>In most of her writings, she delves into the subject of family relationships, life, love and the influence of culture on modern life&nbsp;and faith.</p><p>An attorney by training, she has worked with different international humanitarian organizations and currently volunteers and consults for NGOs as well as engaging in counselling and mentoring.</p><p>When she is not writing, she spends her time reading and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.</p><p>She is a mother to three lovely children&nbsp;- two teenage daughters and a younger son.</p><p>You can email Toni Peters at <u><u>tonipeters81@gmail.com</u></u>&nbsp;to share your thoughts on her books or to provide any useful feedback.</p><p>Kindly leave a review after reading at the site where you got the book.</p><p>Many thanks and God bless you.</p><p></p>