About the author

C.J. Ballintyne

<p>C.J. Ballintyne grew up on a steady diet of adult epic fantasy from the age of nine, resulting in a rather confused outlook on life &#8211; believing the good guys should always win, but knowing they often don&#8217;t. C.J. is an oxymoron; an idealistic cynic.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>C.J.&#8217;s attempts at the craft of writing began in 1992, culminating in the publication of&#160;<em>Confronting the Demon</em>, the first book in&#160;&#8220;The Seven Circles of Hell&#8221; series, in 2013.&#160;<em>In the Company of the Dead</em>&#160;is C.J&#8217;s first book published by Evolved Publishing, and the first book in &#8220;The Sundered Oath&#8221; series.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>For fun, C.J. speculates about taking over the world &#8211; how hard can it really be? If C.J. could be anything, it would be a dragon, but to be honest, C.J. shares more in common with Dr. Gregory House of House M.D. &#8211; both the good and the bad. C.J. is a browncoat, a saltgunner, a Whedonite, a Sherlockian, a Ringer and a Whovian... OK, most major geek fandoms. C.J. holds degrees in law and accounting and is a practising financial services lawyer.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>C.J. lives in Sydney, Australia, with two daughters and a growing menagerie of animals that includes two horses but unfortunately no dragons.</p>