About the author

Ralph Osgood

<p>I am a poet, an historian, a novelist, and a writer for stage and screen, but foremost a responder to Jesus (Romans 5:8).</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I was employed for over forty years in the entertainment industry, the last thirty of which I have crunched numbers successively for three of the top ten theater circuits in the US.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Back then my forte was numbers, added up in columns and balanced. Now I am hard at work exploring the richness of existence in a passion for words. Words that add up into poems, works of fiction and non, and works to be performed.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I am currently writing my third novel, looking out from my window onto the great Pacific Northwest, where I live with my wife Karen.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I am self-publishing my first work in June 2022, and from then on, plan to put something out every three months.<br>&#13; <br>&#13; Join me as I follow the Word.</p>