About the author

Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

<p>Lady Dr. Gabriella K&#337;r&#246;si is an author, a writer, a blogger,&#160;a public health professional, a nurse and&#160;a Reiki Master. Gabriella has a Masters Degree in Nursing and a&#160;Doctorate Degree in Public Health Community Health.</p><p>Gabriella has a experience in variety of nursing areas including addictions, mental health, nephrology, cardiology, clinic nursing and community health&#160;nursing.&#160;Gabriella has&#160;teaching experience with nursing, in group settings and with individual patients.</p><p>Gabriella likes to garden, enjoy picking and eating what she can grow.&#160;Gabriella loves trees and being out in nature.&#160;Gabriella&#8217;s interests are creating love and joy in people&#8217;s lives, reconnecting with nature and everything around us.&#160;Gabriella loves to write and interview people about their experiences in life.&#160;Gabriella likes to cook and create new recipes.</p><p>Gabriella writes on&#160;Medium&#160;,Newsbreak,&#160;Quora,&#160;Substack, and on&#160;Vocal Media.&#160;Gabriella is present on&#160;You Tube.</p><p>Gabriella owns the publication is Dancing Elephants Press.&#160;You can find&#160;Dancing Elephants Press on Medium,&#160;Facebook&#160;and&#160;Twitter.</p>