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About the author

Byn Always

Byn Always has lived a bit of an unusual life. Moving often in childhood meant that she found her friends in stories. While other kids played, she had her nose constantly buried in a book. One of her many dreams was to become a published author.

With a vivid imagination and endless inspirations for stories, she managed to raise and homeschool five kids (now all grown and pretty much all sane, awesomely entertaining, useful human beings) whilst writing plays, children's stories and the like with the unending support of her husband.

Her dream of writing an actual full-length novel (for grown-ups, no less) was buried often under the demands of life, parenthood, mental health issues and honestly, just total freaking exhaustion from... well, from all of the above!

In addition to the 'normal' life stuff, she has also spent three years living with her husband on a 40 ft converted bus, traveling the US with their five children (as well as a dog and a guinea pig), lived for a year on a sailboat throughout the Bahamas and has moved house way too freaking often.

She writes in various genres, trying to find her groove (which may or may not even exist)

She's also completely confused as to how to end a biography for her author page, so she'll probably just leave you hanging now...